
Friday, September 4, 2009

St.Francis of Assisi

Francis lived around 1180-1225.
He was famous for teaching to be poor and loving the earth.
He was born as a rich merchants son who grew up pampered and spoiled. His becoming a person of religion started when he was taken as a hostage of war and began to have serious thoughts. When he came home he was going to be wed to a fair lady who he meant was lady poverty. He started nursing the ill and helping others more,sometime around then he had a vision where Christ went to him and said: "Francis, Francis, go and repair My house which, as you can see, is falling into ruins" he believed that Christ meant the church he was in so he sold his horse and gave the Church's priest the money. His father was enraged and disowned him.

Francis devoted himself to a life of poverty and soon had many followers. The pope soon acknowledged them but St.Francis did not want to become a monastic order. One of the rules to follow St.Francis was that you could own no possessions expect for a scratchy robe.


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