Moses was born as a Hebrew in Egypt. At the time he was born the Pharaoh of Egypt hated Hebrews and used them as workers and threw Hebrew babies in to the Nile. To protect Moses his mother made him a little basket that she put him in and floated down the Nile. His sister Miriam was watching him and saw when the princess of Egypt found him and needed a nurse for him. Miriam got her and Moses mother the job as nurse. When Moses grew up, he fought strongly for the Hebrews freedom. To prove that the Pharaoh must let the Hebrews go god sent 10 plagues to the Egyptians. Here they are in numerical order:
1.The Nile was turned to blood.
2.Frogs ran around every where.
3.Lice and Gnats rose out of the ground.
4.Swarms of Flies came.
5.The Egyptians Animals got sick.
6.The Egyptians got huge incurable boils.
7.It rained fire and hail on the Egyptians crops.
8.Locusts came and ate the remaining crops.
9.For three days it was always pitch black.
10.The death of every Egyptian first born.
At last the Pharaoh was fed up with Moses and let him and the Hebrews go free.
One great thing Moses did was to bring from God to the Hebrews the ten commandments at Mount Sinai.
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